You can not pour from an empty cup. You can only give out something you have in excess. Not something you lack or require. When you prioritize your happiness, you are not being selfish or insensitive; you are only aware of the dangers it does to you.
” Putting yourself first is the best way to spread love” Holly Bourne.
Look back on days when you weren’t at your best to do something or help someone, but you still went all out of your way to make that person happy.
Prioritizing your happiness isn’t selfishness. It’s you loving and looking out for yourself.
What does happiness mean?
Different strokes for different folks, the definition of happiness means separate things for various people. But we can say happiness is a state of mind. It’s a positive feeling of satisfaction or a beautiful experience.
Happiness has to do with what you feel inward because how you feel inwardly will be projected outward.
Why you should prioritize yourself.
Are you someone who puts the needs of others first ahead of you? While this may sound good and daring, it is detrimental to your happiness because you can’t pour from an empty cup. You can only give from what you have in excess.
Prioritizing your happiness means putting yourself first when it is convenient and when otherwise paying no attention to what people have to say.
Life, they say, is all about balance, and when a side of the scale is pulling on the other side, it’s draining.
7 ways to prioritize your happiness
Find joy in the thinnest things.
We often forget the thinnest things around and look for the biggest and most daring things. Prioritizing your happiness can be asking for a head rub from your spouse or your sister.
Don’t go out of your way if it will hurt you.
It can also mean saying no when you want to, but if going out of your way will leave you unhappy, then don’t do it. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup.
Define what happiness is to you.
Different strokes for different folks, you are allowed to define what happiness is to you. Happiness can mean living on your term and not being guarded by what others want you to be. Define your happiness.
Ask for help when necessary.
You can be someone who shies away from asking for help, but it means putting yourself first.
If you need help with putting something on the kitchen cabinet, do not hesitate to ask.
Do you need help with the laundry then ask for help? Here is why you can’t do everything yourself, even when you try to convince yourself that you can.
Saying no when you want to.
Another way of prioritizing your happiness is saying no on days when it doesn’t feel comfortable to say yes. It is saying no without feeling bad about it.
Keep a gratitude journal.
Gratitude journaling is writing things that have made you happy at some point in life.
It will make you see you are a star, and you can always read through those days in the future when sadness tries to creep in.
Self-affirm yourself.
Self-affirm every morning or whenever it seems comfortable for you. Tell yourself you are beautiful, you love your height, you are perfect, and you’ve got it all.
Spend time doing the things you love.
Do the things you love, things that genuinely make you happy, do you love knitting or making cookies, or do you enjoy spending time with your family?
Pay attention to the mundane things around you.
The mundane things could be the sound of birds chirping, the sound of the wall clock, or the giggles of a baby.
Move forward, forget the past.
Lao Tzu ” if you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.”
It’s called the past for a reason. Forgive yourself for whatever happened in the past. You can only work on the present and the future. Prioritizing your happiness is forgetting what has happened in the past and looking for ways to better the present.
Prioritize your happiness by focusing on the present and letting go of the past.
How can you make yourself unhappy?
Saying yes when you wanted to say no.
Not asking for help when you need it.
When you focus on the past.
By focusing so much on the future.
When you pay too much attention to what people say about you.
Thinking that material things will give you happiness.
People may criticize you for putting yourself first. They may even call you selfish, but one thing is they will always understand and come around.
Happiness comes from within, and out of the abundance of what you have is what you can give. Here are some Quotes on prioritizing your happiness.