In this blog, you will get to understand possible ways comparison is ruining you and every good thing you have going on for you.
Comparison is a thief of joy.
It’s like your country anthem, which you know by heart.
What started as a single peep into something ends up to hours and hours of you comparing and contrasting and seeing what you are not doing well.
One negative thing about comparing is the fact that you never see the good in how far you’ve come.
You even go so far as to plan things in a certain way, but since you saw how the other person did it, you get caught up in the comparison trap and start making modifications thinking if you did it their own way just maybe you can have a life like them.
So now it’s not about you anymore, it’s now about them.
Recently, I shared a video here about comparison, and a lot of people could connect so well to it, You know why? Because we’ve all been and resided at that moment in our lives.
Some Dangers of Comparison
It is a grabber and a crusher of joy.
It leaves you feeling less like yourself.
It leaves you feeling down.
It hinders you from valuing what you have going for you.
It messes with your emotions by amplifying different voices in your brain.
It wastes your time because instead of working on yourself, you waste time wallowing on someone else who is working on themselves, and years on you find yourself trapped in the same cycle.
You take longer to reach your intended aim.
You stumble by becoming distracted.
You feel you’re not doing enough, that you should be doing more, and you get burnt out.
Positive and negative comparisons are the two sorts of comparisons that I refer to as the PCNC.
So you see a friend who just got a good job, and you tell yourself, if she can do it, then I can do it. These push you, motivates you, and helps you believe in yourself more.
The other side of the spectrum is when you get angry, jealous, sad, and wallow in self-pity because someone is doing much better than you are. Remember, negative comparison isn’t good for your mental health and is ruining you.
People only reveal the highlights of their life in a fast-paced and visually appealing environment like the one we find ourselves in today.
No one wants to demonstrate how they’ve sobbed behind closed doors, been rejected from multiple job interviews, or worked hard to afford the lifestyle they have or the progress you see.
There are different areas we compare ourselves to others, Lifestyle, business, workplace, Body figure, educational background, skin complexion, and the list never ends.
P.S Where are you comparing yourself to someone?
It’s a funny world because while you are there comparing yourself to someone, someone else wants to be like you or have what you have.
No one has it all, you may be good at closing sales and, they don’t even have that skill but you are so concerned about what you don’t have rather than being grateful for what you have and working on what you don’t have.
So instead of wallowing, be grateful for what you have and be hopeful for what you’re aspiring for. Living a life without comparison is living a life of intentionality.
I read an amazing book titled size the yay by Serah Davidson,
In a world where there are billions of people, everyone can’t have the same life; there will always be someone who is more attractive than you, richer than you, and has more going on for them than you; it’s simply the irony of life.
So, while all of this is going on around us. It’s easy to get sidetracked for a while, but it’s preferable if you get back on course as quickly as possible.
Serah Davidson mentioned a method called a blinker ( something that is attached around the neck of a horse to keep it focused while racing)
So, when the internet or people around you make it seem like they have it all figured out, keep that blinker on and focus on your end goal, which is to reach the finish line and win the prize.
It’s remarkable how I don’t compare myself to others (that’s nothing to gloat about because it won’t really change anything if I don’t do the work).
I’m someone who analyzes how long this other person has been on their journey to where they are, possibly ten or twenty years, and I’m just getting started.
Probably he has a team that makes the job easier and faster for him to achieve his goal and gets him to the finished point earlier than me, yet I am a one-man team, doing everything myself.
5 methods to have a happy life by not comparing yourself to others
Be appreciative of what you have.
No one has it all.
Only compare yourself to who you once were, not to someone else’s life; if you are performing better than you were yesterday or have learned something new today, you are on the right track to doing fantastic things.
Others may inspire and motivate you.
You can be anything, but not everything.
Govern your emotions and thoughts rather than allowing them to control you.
In conclusion,
It’s impossible to avoid comparison.
It’s something you’ll always come across since someone will be achieving better than you, and that’s what life is all about, so how you fuel the thought is entirely up to you.
Keep in mind that you are doing well for yourself. You can improve, but not by comparing yourself to others because comparison will be ruining you and a lot of good things going on in your life.
From your internet chum ❤️
See you next during the week.