How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome In Your Twenties.

Overcoming imposter syndrome in your twenties

Overcoming imposter syndrome in your twenties is something we will all deal with at certain points in our twenties.

It could mirror different things for different people, and it is actually a great deal of work that requires you to be intentional.

Have you ever felt you don’t deserve the money you’re getting paid? In addition, you even go as far as charging low for the service or product you offer. 

Or that thought of I don’t belong here continues to linger.

You even ask, are you sure my work is that good question?

I sometimes think people are not being honest.

Sounds like you?

You might have felt this way at a certain point in your life. We’ve all been there, or you might have felt that way. In situations where you’re so good at what you do, and yet you feel all the achievements, you don’t deserve them. Then you might be suffering from imposter syndrome.

What does Imposter Syndrome mean?

It is an impression of being unworthy, incompetent, and doubting your strengths despite all evidence showing otherwise or what people say in a positive light.

Signs you are suffering from imposter syndrome in your twenties.

1. You think you don’t deserve what you have.

Situations might have surfaced in the past where you feel you don’t deserve the things you have now. You feel little to no effort was put into what you’ve accomplished.

2. You never own up to your achievements.

Imagine a scenario where a friend tells you how proud they are of you, but you never see that. All you see is how you need to do more and achieve more.

3. You are a perfectionist.

There is nothing like being perfect. Something may look flawless to you and look otherwise to someone else.

4. You give others credit for something you did.

You’ve ever been in a position where you gave someone credit for a job you did?

In all possibilities, you think the job wasn’t good enough or you feel no one will believe the job was done by you.

5. You can’t accept praise.

You never allow anyone to say good things about a job you did, or you are always quick to shut people up when they praise you for a job well done.

Overcoming imposter syndrome in your twenties requires you to be intentional and accept praises when people churn them at you.

6. You think others lie to you.

Are you sure? Do you think I did a good job? Does this sound like a question you ask people each time your boss at work acknowledges your effort?

7. You are a procrastinator.

Once you are a perfectionist, you will be a procrastinator because you always want things to be perfect, and by this, you will want to procrastinate until things are perfect.

8. You never want to accept an increase.

Situations like this occur in your workplace or when you are an entrepreneur, and you charge mediocre prices because you think you aren’t the best and you shouldn’t charge more for your service.

Dangers of Imposter Syndrome.

1. You never feel ready.

Imposter syndrome will leave you feeling you’re not ready, ready to take the next big step, or to charge your worth, leaving you feeling worthless.

2. Increase in self-doubt.

You always feel you aren’t enough. You doubt your strengths even when everything points to the fact that you’ve got all it takes.

3. Persistent fear of failure.

There is always that fear of failing. This will allow you to always stay in your comfort zone, not wanting to take risks and try things out, even if you fail.

4. Get less for more effort put out.

You never want to charge your worth because you think no one would pay you, and this stream from you thinking you are not deserving.

5. Procrastination becomes your best friend.

You are never ready for anything; you want to push things to the last minute, and doing this won’t allow you to put in your very best or give out mediocre things.

How to overcome Imposter syndrome in your twenties.

1.Talk more about your success and your process.

Before you feel you are not worthy of things you might have now, talk more about your past success and the processes that went into achieving them.

Doing this will give you a visual representation of the labor that went into it.

It will set your mind to see your successes as things you deserve because you did the work.

2. Celebrate your wins, no matter how small.

As little as a win can look to you, celebrate it. It could be something as tiny as completing a business draft, pitching yourself to a brand, or getting good grades in school. Always remember to celebrate every win, whether small or big.

3. Create a list of your wins and keep them handy.

For someone who is big on journaling, as little as writing about how well I performed on a test in class is a win and this will give you that motivation on days when you feel otherwise.

4. Share your feelings with someone.

Tell someone how you feel besides what you don’t see in yourself. Someone would see it in you and make you aware of how great you are and what you do.

5. Accept praise.

When someone says you did a good job or you are so good at what you do, accept it because they see what you don’t see in yourself, hence why they are praising you.

6. Rewire your thoughts.

Imposter syndrome is something we’ve all felt at specific points in our lives, but when these thoughts come knocking, rewire them and think of how amazing you are and how you deserve everything you are getting now. Just rewire that thought.

7. Perfectionism is a lie.

No one is perfect, so don’t beat yourself up when you want things to be perfect, but they seem to go otherwise.

8. Improve your skill.

There is never an end to learning. To stop feeling like a fraud, you need to improve your skill and work on getting better. This will stop you will always be sure that you deserve all the recognitions you have.


Now hope you get to control your feelings and not allow them to have the best of you, furthermore always remember that we all feel this way at certain points in our lives, because of internal or external factors.

It could be at the workplace, among friends, in relationships, etc.

This worksheet would help you keep in touch with your emotions and help you in overcoming imposter syndrome in your twenties. Finally, you should be proud of yourself and your accomplishment.–nothing should have the power to take that away from you.

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